
When you search for availability, our systems contact CityFibre’s for information regarding the current status of service at your address. If we're able to place an order for you, you'll be directed to our ordering system. In the event that Fibrehop is not currently available to your household, you can register your interest and we will contact you as soon as it is.

Why is Fibrehop not available in my area of the city?

It may be that CityFibre has not reached your area with their network yet or your area is still under a period of exclusivity with another service provider. You can still register your interest at www.fibrehop.com and we’ll let you know when we are able to offer you a service.

How do I know when my area is out of exclusivity with another provider on CityFibre’s network?

Unfortunately we’re unable to provide a date when exclusivity ends in your area but if you register your interest at www.fibrehop.com and we’ll let you know when we’re able to offer you a service.

I’m with another provider on CityFibre’s network, how do I transfer my service?

If you’re transferring a service over to Fibrehop, you can do so. For full details on how to transfer your service, please go to www.fibrehop.com/service-transfer

Any questions?

If your questions have not been answered here, please get in touch with us at team@fibrehop.com